Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nullifying Rejection’s Termination

Talent often acts like a mask shielding us from outsiders being able to see our fragility in common. We all would like to be understood; and yet, those who aim for excellence are often the most misunderstood. Therefore I’ve decide to share the following events which may clarify (behind the scenes) what I am all about, within certain dynamics that few may comprehend.

Consequently, at a near by community cottage the other day a dear associate was wondering how I might be getting along. Most likely recalling the time before when his wife’s expression and mine exploded into tears while sharing our loss of children and their refusal to acknowledge us. “You know” he said, “no one is on top all the time; and Christmas time proves this for mothers with fractions of the heart oozing with tear-stained cheeks?” “I’m fine” I said; “although Christmas and Mother’s Day have been difficult times for me in the past.”

Also that day, I began to realize how others might interpret my identification with my famous ancestors. I must say that, due to one horrific incident, a few years back, I use to awake questioning such detrimental actions of my folks with agonizing grief and pain. Peacefully, I perceived God relating to me: “you are not your parents!”

It wasn’t long until my faithful friend and I, while researching my Family-Tree, began running into Presidents just off the main stream of my line. Perhaps it was needful to equate such an affinity with such admirable historic characters as part of my inheritance. For the comforting aspects of validation soothed my wounded soul and lessened the pain. How easy it was, then, to focus on productive plans and purposes ahead. Having also met many famous people in my life, my identification had nothing to do with name-dropping, covetous drooling, nor the dreaded admiration/ hate syndrome. Indeed, those special moments seemed a natural consequence of events at the time, since my life’s always been interesting anyway.

Reflectively I might say that I’m generally a well thought of person in the community; and I’m grateful for this. Especially considering, how the past ten years humbled me at the foot of the cross before God; and I equated to only one true friend. Furthermore, if my friend had been a wimp, and I the stronger, then one could conclude the basis for our bonding was merely on the premise of dominance. However, neither of us are wimps but rather strong in the power of constant dependency on Christ.

Of course we all have hurts and disappointments which can paralyze or make us stronger (depending on the support backing). Now I have this friend, in the community, expanding my concept of projective rejection, defensive denial, and miss conceptions based on circumstantial evidence! I began to realize how others might view my consolation of identifying with related historic figures. Perhaps this is why the Bible indicated that we are not to judge. Father knows that if any of us knew the real truth behind our lives we would all be united and wars and fractions would cease and the power of unity would EXPLODE INTO MATCH-LES WONDERS OF TRUE LOVE EVERYWHERE…

At any rate the told the kind gentleman, with whom I had an affinity with his wife, “all that’s needed this Christmas is for those children of hers to send a card with ONE-word…LOVE, mom, and she would be the happiest woman on her planet!” He guessed that it was because they were too busy. “Busy has nothing to do with it,” I said rather adamantly! It’s because young adults take offense for varied reasons; but basically they project onto their parents for not getting the kind of love or life which they wanted or feel that they deserve.”

As such, all of this began to stir deep within me, bottom line: ONE WORD GIVEN, this year around Christmas time, would bring just the small effort of VALIDATION that so many are longing for; and untold commit suicide for the very lack.

To think that you and I have this awesome power to change the world, even if we’re not repentant or sorry, we could give honor where it is due and where it come back a hundred fold return. That we actually can be the deciding factor whether a love one moves forward in love and dies from lack of it. Learning from complicated aspects of relationships comparatively with the film “PLAY IT FORWARD,” why does someone have to die before they are loved and missed?

Considering just one word would so lift one’s sorrow and fill many world around with the brightness of such a smile to lift other ones sorrowful; and so the pebble thrown in the sea of life (like bread cast upon the waters), returns in great dividends to change all around.

Regards (my friends),
~Milly Hunter

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