Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What do the 'listing' and 'let search engines find your blog' settings do?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Above the Madding Crowd

From childhood I have always been curious about the make-up of people; what makes them who they are, and why people do the things they do. And frankly, if I hadn’t been discouraged by a High School psychologist for telling me just how long it would take, to become a shrink, “I would have become one.” Even so, my interest in people was not dampened in the least; for basically I was a people person. And while other kids my own age, where still trying to find out who they were… (Deciding what they wanted to do in life) I had already discovered this and my calling. So I was well on my way becoming an expert “People Person” without even knowing it. For as psychologists will tell you “only to the degree that you know your self can you know or understand someone else.” I first started learning of myself by rejecting my dad’s rejection of me; and turning to God at the age of eight. They say that everyone needs a crutch; well, I couldn’t have found a greater one than Christ; and “I’m not talking about religion!” I wanted to know all the secrets of the world, from the Creator Himself. Many people think that God can’t communicate to a child; but I’ve heard friend’s stories of their experience with God leaving some lasting memory on their life and influence. My first experience was at three, when the presence of God surrounded me with an endearing hug. For some reason I didn’t want anyone to see me cry; because I had never cried like that before. The Spirit of God melted my heart and I had never felt love like that before. As it was, my parents were teens, too busy coping with the tresses and issues of life to cater to my complex needs. I spent most of my days out doors, exploring the hills, making club houses, putting on plays, and leading games with the kids in the neighborhood. For many years I had no friends while growing up; but I discovered that God was someone who would listen and help me with my questions and ideas. And I had a lot of questions! I told God that I had often heard others in the church say that He told them this or that; and I believed they meant audibly. I related to Him how I never heard Him talk to me? Being only eight at the time, but before long God communicated to my understanding, loud and clear, that speaks through all kinds of mediums: through parents, teachers, the Bible, and even bad people sometime! Just knowing that God heard me, and could give me answers, gave me a great sense of confidence and trust in His Name. So at the age of twelve I stared to read the Bible and at fourteen I began an in-depth study of His Living Word. Later I discovered that the Word of God was not always living; sometimes the Holy Spirit had to touch it and make it alive to a person. For there where other times that it could seem as dead and dry as reading a news paper. As time went on, I found the Holy Bible to be a great source of knowledge and a gauge for better living. However, it was really more like a Mirror and a Map to see myself and where I was going, as well. Though it wasn’t to except who I was because of whose’ I belonged to. And the more I got to know the ways of God, by His Word and Holy Spirit, the better I got to know me. The more I understood me- the more I understood others and what made them tick. This was becoming my passion. Understanding gave me great confidence and appreciation for others, and my self, as well. Consequently, throughout my life many trusted me to confide things in their darkest closet. And this trust I kept with great respect; knowing that I would never misuse their trust to my advantage. The more people told me of their inner lives, the greater understanding I had for my passion to understand people and life. Somewhere, in the Bible, I think it’s written “that people go from prison cells to prison cells; ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of The Truth.” Could this be because most don’t’ want the change and accountability that comes with truth? Unfortunately the cost of Truth, for many, seems greater than the wages of Sin and Death. People see what they want to see, and not always what’s there; and only to the degree that you know yourself can you best understand or know another. Is it not true that “the Truth will set you free?!” Perhaps, like Matrix, we shall see just how far the Rabbit hole goes. In my search for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of others, I discovered that people are flawed by sin and use all kinds of fronts to hide, detract, or project their guilt onto someone else. See, without the plumbline of God’s Word to correctly align one’s self to THE TRUTH, people need an escape goat or cover for their sin and shame. Those who lean on the Cross for all that Christ did, they are free to look at their sins with redemption and freedom for the mercy and grace so freely given at Calvary, through the purchase (by the blood) of the only Begotten Son of God for the Sins of the world!” Although laying down Stubborn Pride to lose one’s sin-stained garments isn’t the easiest thing to do, in the face of Hate, Envy, great Pride, Revenge, Murder, or all the Faces of Evil! Selfishness is indeed the root of many a heart-aches, though Pride hides beneath the wounded like ‘a defensive shield.’ This Bible Gauge, for my childhood education, gave me the understanding I needed to comprehend life and all types of people. Proverbs and Psalms were my Teachers who spoke of the deceitful wicked, and distinguished them from the ungodly and sinners. My teachers in the Bible conveyed how the heart is desperately wicked and asked the question: “who can know it?” I discovered that the more I was honest with God, and took courage to look into the MIRROR OF HIS WORD, the more I could forgive and understand me…and also love and understand others. Some one once said that “People are like books;” but you can’t always judge a book by its cover, can you? Most people only allow you to read a small portion of their book, or lives. Some only share their successes, never the trails or difficulties to get to success. And if you find a person who wants to know you for you; just because they love themselves and life; by all means, except and value that person above all others! Because friends like this are rare and few, indeed. Unfortunately, if you are talented, attractive, clever or remotely famous, people will find ways to gain some sense of importance behind your success. Because most people are too busy trying to impress (for their insecurities) to ever search for the answers of "who they are" and "what's life all about?!" Then there are those who really could care less about who you are; if you don’t fit their criteria of what their life is all about! In our complicated world, more and more people just won’t give you the time of day. There is very little respect or courtesy shown in most parts of the world. Let be real, you and I cannot give what we don’t have anyway! The funny thing is; people are trying to love those who don’t even love themselves! I know, because it takes one to know one (he-he). We all have our learning experiences; even if some of us did graduate from the School of Hard Knocks. In conclusion, there is a really great movie which makes the most provocative statement, in The Long Green Mile: (John Coffey) “He kill them wi' their love. Wi' their love fo' each other. That's how it is, every day, all over the world.” Sadly some people’s love is killing them, and while there are those whose spite and envy is killing others. People trapped by control. And believe it, we live in a very controlling world. It amazes me how so-called believers, in Christ, are ignorant to Witchcraft being all about control. However, where the Spirit of the LORD is there is LIBERTY! Consequently, my zest for comprehending others has greatly waned in the past ten years. Although I still feel I have a deep understanding of others, for this reason, I rarely allow anyone too close to me. Perhaps it is lonely at the top; but I can tell you, in all honesty, it’s safer when it comes to trusting people. And even Christ, himself, said: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good comes… Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD (Jeremiah 17: 5-10). Christ, “He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man (John 2:25).” And after all these years of research and learning, I have also come to understand what is in man. ~Milly